Monday, January 25, 2016

Snow Days

Well it was certainly not a big storm, but we finally did get some snow last week.  

Of course the camera on my phone didn't do it justice, but for a while the flakes coming down were huge.

While the flakes were beautiful, it did make a very dreary day.

I've been trying to get in at least a short walk most days, and I had gone for a walk about two hours before the snow started.  I'm glad I wasn't walking in it, but it was already quite cold at that point and I didn't think my legs were ever going to warm back up.

It had been snowing for a couple of hours by dusk, so The Farmer and I got in his truck and went to look for deer.  If you look closely in the picture below, you can see two of them standing in the field.

It was pretty while it lasted, but I'm happy to report that today the sun is shining and my daily walk with Harlee was nowhere near as cold.  By the end of the week they are forecasting highs in the upper 50s and maybe even hitting 60 degrees, and while I'm still hoping for a good 6 inch snow at some point this winter, I am looking forward to the gorgeous weather and already thinking up excuses to be outside later this week. 

Speaking of Harlee, she's kicked out of the house until The Farmer gets home because as all this snow melted it left a lot of muddy ditches, and that is Harlee's favorite place to run to on our daily walks.  Her paws are usually the lightest part of her body, sort of a light tan, while most of her body is dark brown, but today after our walk she looked like she had brown paws.  No way I'm letting her back in the house like that.

We have this amazing, deep sink in our laundry room that is perfect for plopping her in and washing her off when she gets into muddy mischief (which is a common occurrence), but with my big baby belly I'm not sure I can lift her into it and get close enough to her to wash her off good.  So she's stuck outside until The Farmer comes home and can get her into the sink and wash her off.  Poor dog, she will not be a fan of that.  Oh well, at least it's nice out this afternoon and she's been able to get some fresh air.