Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Getting Ready

It's hard to believe it, but Baby Girl is due in one week from today!  My last day of work was January 15th, and I have had the past two months to prepare for her, which has been so amazing.  I have not been sleeping well at night, so it has been really nice not to have to get up early for work.  I usually manage to sneak in a nap at some point during the day too.  

Besides sleeping, I've had time to get the nursery ready.  Painting the nursery turned out to be quite the ordeal.  I had originally wanted gray walls with yellow and mint green accents.  I knew I didn't want to have to repaint or redecorate before future babies use this nursery, so I wanted to stay with something gender neutral instead of going crazy with the pink for this girl.  

Because I knew gray paint can be a bit tricky, we bought the little sample jars of two gray paint colors I liked and painted them both on one wall of the nursery.  One of the grays looked blue to me once it was on the wall, which is what I was trying to avoid.  But the other one looked like it stayed a true gray once it was painted on the wall, so we bough a gallon of that color and jumped in.

Luckily The Farmer had the great idea to start by painting the closets.  Neither of us have done a ton of painting, so he figured it would be good if we started in the closets and made our mistakes/got some experience there, where it's less visible.  There are actually two closets in the room, and after we got the second one painted I knew I did not like it.  The gray looked blue!  I don't know what made the difference, but it was a very blue gray that would have been perfect for a little boy's room, but not for this Baby Girl!  The Farmer was very patient with me and agreed to get different paint.  Rather than try my luck with gray again, I decided to go with a mint green for the walls and use gray and yellow accents in the decorating.  I like how the mint paint turned out MUCH better.

Here is her crib:
(Ignore the tag hanging off the front that we haven't cut off yet, haha.)  

The artwork above the crib is a set of prints I bought on Etsy and is 3 verses from Psalm 139.

Instead of a changing table, we bought an old dresser we found for sale and The Farmer put a LOT of time and work into stripping the horrible paint job that it had when we bought it, sanding it down to bare wood, applying MANY coats of primer, and finally repainting it.  It turned out so cute!  I wish I had taken some before pictures of it, because it was quite rough before all his work.

See that little bit of pink on top of the dresser?  It's a tutu I made for Baby Girl, I'm hoping to use it as a prop for some of her newborn pictures.  Here's a close up:

For the baby shower that my aunt and cousins threw for me, they asked people to bring a favorite children's book instead of a card.  It was such a cute idea, and Baby Girl now has quite the library started!  I hope she will love to read.

I have one more order on the way from Target with a few more last-minute things we need, but all in all I think we're ready for Baby Girl to make her arrival any time!  

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I didn't realize the time was this close! I'll pray for you as I think of you in the coming days.

    My church nursery has Barnyard Dance, and the kids love it. -Katrina
